It Was A Slap In The Face
Tenang, Ma..ini bukan mau whining lagi kok ;) *ngedip2in Mama sambil berharap minggu depan dikirim US$ 1000*
Sekali lagi gue got slapped in the face by the fact that : Some people really are try their best to show that they don't like me.
Nyadar deh gue, altho' I always try to be nice with anyone, doesn't mean automatically people just fall in love with me.
Some of them just plain-simply mean people.Period.
Imagine try so hard to be a good friend and be nice to them/her/him/whatever all the time for years. Bought them goodies when you came back from Indonesia, called them every alternate day just to say "How Are You?", remember all their children's birthday and bought a present for the kid, introduce them/her/him/whatever to all your friends.
Well, all that are simply NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Because, like I said, some people were born MEAN.
Whatever you do to make them love you will just annoy them to hell.
The problem is : Sometime these people really looked like angels :))
With their smiling face when they see us, with their fake politeness when they talk to us, it's no surprise if people think that you're exaggerating or maybe you're the jerk instead, not them/her/him/whatever.
Ahhh..after all this years I live in denial, and now slowly but sure I could see things more clearly.And I learnt something today :
Don't judge the books by their look. A smiling angel before your eyes, could turn out to be the SMILING B I T C H.
PS : Thanks sobat (you know who you are) , buat telepon kita pagi2, siang2, atau malam2 yang selalu inspiring ;)
Note : I'm no angel myself. My husband knows that ;) Dontcha darling? :D