Friday, December 10, 2004


I think I must deal with this word everyday in my life, for the rest of my life.

Rejection from various people. Taxi Drivers when all they want is drive me to Tampines/Holland V/Toa Payoh when my destination is Jurong East.
Singtel Shop Customer Service, when they decided they wont take my application for mobile phone because (several months ago) I wasn't a PR.
A boutique shop assistant who said, "Sorry Maam, I don't think we have your size here." (before I stepped in further to the shop)
A friend(?) who refused to reply my sms or just pretend I don't exist .

I'm not good with rejection.

Esp when I think I've done enough to make people happy.
Esp when I think I value the relationship more than she/he does.
Esp when I try hard to be nice but people choose not to notice me.

(Kata orang sunda)

But I can't help it.
I know this is my negative side.
For me, being loved is important.
I always try to please people. I always try to be nice to everyone.

Apparently I can't make all people to be happy when they're with me.
Some people maybe can't wait to get rid of me sometime.

I dont know..

I'm so used to be liked by (almost) everyone.
I never gossips, jutek, jaim..I smile almost all the time.
People laugh at my joke...
I let people laugh AT me. Not just WITH me.

But apparently..
it's not enough.

I'm desperate to be loved by everyone.
I don't know.
It's just a habit I guess.

Bad habit? Maybe.

But is it a sin? Wanting to be loved by everyone?


Today I'm waiting for my (another) best friend to call me to meet her tonight.
Been years since the last time we met.
I don't know if I'm important enough for her. I don't know if she 's dying to meet me again or just think that there will be some other time.
I hope she wont stood me up.
If she did, I'll broke into pieces.

I took friendship seriously. Do you mind?


Blogger Hany njeplak...

mel, ini masalah prioritas. sbenernya kalo sebatas niat, gampang banget ngelaksanainnya. kasih temen2 kita perhatian terbaik, abis itu lupakan kalo udah pernah ngasih sesuatu.

gue yakin, mel. kapasitas elo yg demikian besar bisa dipake utk hal2 lain selain bersedih, hehehe...

sori kalo ade sale2 kate ya, pok.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Nauval Yazid njeplak...

bener-bener lain postinganmu kali ini yah, bikin aku terharu ...
Yang kepikiran di gue sekarang, kalo ngadepin rejection:
"Ya udah, they're not good for me!"
"Gue ngga se level ama mereka, biarin aja deh!"

Kita ngga akan pernah bisa mencapai taraf bener-bener puas, 100% satisfied dengan apa yang kita bisa lakukan buat orang lain, Mbak.
Yang penting sekarang adalah berasa nyaman dengan diri sendiri, kita puas ngelakuin apa yang kita mau karena emang itu yang kita pengen lakuin.

Stand up for yourself, mbak Mel. Be proud!

9:49 AM  
Blogger Mel njeplak...

Hany,Nauval,Mama :

Thanks banget atas kata2nya yang menghibur.
Bener. Maybe I must learn to become more 'tidak pamrih'.
Memberi perhatian dan kasih sayang tanpa mengharapkan kebalikannya.


I'm feeling better now.

10:21 AM  
Blogger ben njeplak...

ditolak ?
Jangan terlalu dimasukin ati dong teh, kan masih banyak yang lain (yang gak nolak, hihihihi....)

5:42 PM  
Blogger Mel njeplak...

Cep Iman dan Ben :

Met kenal juga :)
Bener kata kalian. Setiap orang berbeda dan kita gak bisa memaksa mereka melakukan sesuatu yang kita inginkan atau berharap mereka melakukan sesuatu yang biasa kita kerjakan. Everybody has their own mind.
Kita gak tau persis apa yang ada di dalam pikiran orang.

Untuk Cep Iman, kamu betul. Salah satu temen baik gue juga kemaren bilang kalau gue suka negative thinking.
Infact, gak 1 orang yang bilang begitu.
Emang itu salah satu sifat buruk gue. Mudah2an bisa cepat hilang. Karena God Knows, gue berusaha banget ngilangin sifat buruk gue yang itu. Thanks.

Buat Ben, thanks juga, mulai sekarang gue mau coba EGP kalau ada yg gak enak kena ke gue. Buat apa ya dipikirin? Susah sendiri :)

Thanks you all :)

3:02 PM  

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