Friday, December 07, 2007

Copy Paste Blogger

What's wrong with this type of blogger?

They turn their PC/Laptop/Whatever on and then hit the internet hard for article hunting, and when they found a remotely interesting one they just copy it and paste it to their blog.
The more complicated the article, the more they feel good. Like they think and write it themselves, and then people will (hopefully) automatically thinking that they are sophisticated blogger who wrote such a brilliant article.

Some even fail to put the source. Innocent mistake? I don't know.

What happened to blogging world these days?

You think you can't write, but if you don't have a blog then your friend will label you uncool.
So you create one.
You want to write, but your head seem out of ideas.
Then you decided to do that article hunting.

TADAAAA!!!! You're officially a blogger :)

Yeah, a soul less one :)

So maybe you think I'm annoying as well. Writing a post in English when I know exactly that my grammar's lousy.

But at least I'm not afraid to learn. I'm not afraid to make mistakes.

I'm not a fake.


Blogger Mel njeplak...

baru ngeh tulisan saya kali ini topiknya sama dengan tulisan Andri Setiawan di Singapore, entry terbarunya, yang juga tayang hari ini.

kok bisa idenya sama ya? :))

11:01 PM  
Blogger Me njeplak...

Berarti kamu sehati sama Andri :-)
* copy paste, sekali2 sih boleh2 saja, asal nyebutin source nya, iya nggak? kalau keseringan copas sih nggak asyik*

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous njeplak...

Serius amat sich Mel...

3:53 PM  
Blogger Dev njeplak...

"You want to write, but your head seem out of ideas"
Makanya beli koran Sindo aja...
Apa coba....

10:21 AM  

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