What The Hell?
Gak bisa masuk blog sendiri, udah 3 hari. Anehnya, masuk ke Dashboardnya bisa...
Kalau begini mulu, gue pindah ke blogsome neh..
Kalau begini mulu, gue pindah ke blogsome neh..
No fancy sophisticated words and full of grammatical errors. This is just a place where I can vent my anger, put my thoughts, my disappointment, and my frustration to the world. A sneak peek to my complicated brain , mellow heart, my colorful life. Enjoy!
heii jadi mo diupgrade ga flicrknya
Mbak Mel, emang gak bisa deh kayaknya.. mungkin disensor kali yaa.. soalnya waktu diGuangzhou jg gitu, gw malah sama sekali gak bisa buka blogger.com ato alamat blogspotnya..
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