Wednesday, November 24, 2004

November, The Month Of The Brokenhearted

Jadi mikir gara2 blognya
Nopal, soal kenapa mesti patah hati kok di bulan November...

Patah hati sih bulan apa juga bisa ya...tapi kenapa November sering jadi sasaran kemarahan orang2 yang patah hati di bulan ini... ??

Gue nikah bulan November and so far the curse tidak kena ke gue..mudah2an jangan.. *ketok2 kayu*

OK, ini lagu buat The Jomblos yang sering patah hati...
Bahasan soal ini nyusul ya besok..(itu juga kalau gue mood kalau gak juga kenapa? wong blog blogku sendiri kok)---------->>ini pasti ketularan Rio dan Wisa huhuhuhuhuhu

White Flag

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you,
Or tell you that.
But if I didn't say it, well i'd still have felt it
Where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were
But I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left to much mess and
destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again

And if you live by the rules of "its over"
Then I'm sure that that makes sense
But I will go down with this ship
And I wont put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tounge
And you will think
That I've moved on....

Love hurts indeed ya temen2? *smirk*


Blogger Nauval Yazid njeplak...

Terus terang mbak Mel, yang bikin aku mau comment disini awalnya karena ngeliat namaku di-link disini. Hahahahaha ...
But then, getting brokenhearted ga musti bulan November, in fact, semua kisah patah hati gue kejadiannya ga pernah November, justru bulan November dulu saat-saat dimana gue mulai ngerasain cinta. Walaupun, seperti yang gue tulis, gue lagi ... well ... lagi ngga seberuntung orang-orang lain aja :)
Mungkin karena hawa November yang ini dingin yah mbak Mel, jadi bikin kita ngerasa romantis?
Entah ama yang lain.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Mel njeplak...

Jadi aslinya elo gak mau komen kalau nama elo kagak terpajang di sini? :P

Nopal..Nopal.. "Pal!Liat di belakang elo ada kuntilanak!"

9:13 AM  

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